Every POWERS reading is a unique blend of…


(who you are and why you're here)


(where you are going)

Intuitive Guidance

(where the magic happens)

…designed to inspire, strengthen and validate your human experience.  

Always personalized, the intention of every reading is to provide profound insights into your personality, relationships and life path, empowering you to navigate challenges and embrace opportunities with clarity and confidence.



Hi! I am Matt Powers aka POWERS.

My journey into the mystic arts was sparked by a fascination with the unknown and an undeniable call to share, help and guide. From the moment I was introduced to the secrets hidden within the deck of playing cards, it felt like a language that has always lived inside of me. Using this language to explore our connection to nature, I have been able to make more sense of life and its lessons than through any other modality of spiritual exploration.

Activating a profound awakening and transformation, I've emerged as a seasoned intuitive astrologer, riding the waves of ancient wisdom and cosmic insight with passion and devotion.

Through years of dedicated study, relentless practice, and deep soul-searching, I've designed a unique approach to guidance that blends boundless optimism and enthusiasm with the traditions of astrology and the mystical symbolism of playing cards. With this potent combination of energy, inspired by astrology, numerology, and divine intervention, my offerings transcend the conventional as I use the numbers and symbols in the deck of cards as a vessel for self-discovery, forecasting and intuitive guidance.

Having sat with countless seekers, I celebrate the opportunity to illuminate your path with validating insights and clarity. Through my own metamorphosis, I proudly embody the belief that it's never too late to embark on a new adventure and embrace the transformative power of the cosmos. So, let's embark on this magical journey together, where every twist and turn leads to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the Universe!



  • The connection between playing cards and astrology can be traced back to the origins of modern day astrology. The Magi, an ancient priestly caste from Persia, were renowned for their mystical knowledge and expertise in astrology. They believed that the movements of the celestial bodies held profound significance for earthly events and human destinies. Alongside their study of the stars, the Magi developed a system of numbers and symbols, which they believed could offer insights into the mysteries of the cosmos. Over time, practitioners began to assign astrological associations to individual cards, linking them with specific planetary energies and zodiac signs and in 1893, The Mystic Test Book, written by Olney Richmond revealed this secrets of this powerful astrological system.

  • While readings can offer insights into potential outcomes and patterns, they do not predict the future with absolute certainty. Rather, they provide guidance and perspectives that can help individuals make informed decisions and navigate life's uncertainties with clarity and confidence.

  • There are three parts to each reading: Self-Discovery, Forecasting and Divination. In the Self-Discovery & Forecasting process, Powers interprets the positions and movements of celestial bodies using the numbers and symbols in the playing cards to gain insights into personality traits, life events, and potential outcomes. Divination involves drawing cards from a deck and interpreting their symbolism to gain insight into specific questions or situations. Both practices tap into the subconscious mind and the collective unconscious to offer guidance and clarity.

  • During a reading, Powers will engage with you to explore your questions, concerns and aspirations. Whether it is through examining the cards you have been dealt in this life based on your date of birth, exploring the cards that are forever changing as you move through time or drawing cards as a source of divine inspiration, the goal is to provide you with personalized insights and perspectives that resonate with your unique circumstances. Expect a supportive and empowering experience that leaves you with a deeper understanding of yourself and your path forward.

  • Many individuals successfully integrate astrology and card reading into their religious practices, viewing it as a complementary tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery. For example, some Christians see parallels between astrology and biblical narratives, such as the story of the Magi following the star to find the infant Jesus. Others approach astrology and mysticism from a secular perspective, appreciating its psychological insights without necessarily tying it to religious doctrine.